Getter JaaniFoto:
23. september 2017, 14:07

TOP10: Vaata, just nemad on Eestimaa kõige kaunimad naised (45)

Eesti naised on olnud mitme rahvusvahelise väljaande topis kaunimate naiste seas. Ka paljud eestlased on seda meelt, et tõepoolest elab Eestis väga palju kauneid naisi. Heidame pilgu peale kodumaistele kaunitarile, kes seda lippu kõrgel hoiavad. 

Power Hit Radio kaunis saatejuht Brigitte Susanne Hunt, kes sai tuntuks sarjast "Doktor Silva" rabab kahtlemata oma iluga. 

Rekvisiidid: Circle K kange cappuccino☕️& Mercedes-Benz C 220 TDI🚗

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Mina tegemas iseendast pilti, et koguda sotsiaalmeedia kasutajate heakskiitu ja tunda ennast paremini.

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Näitlejatar ja seltskonnatäht Grete Klein tegi debüüdi, kui ta sai tuntuks Kanal 2 uudistesaate "Reporter" ilmateadustajana. Paar aastat hiljem sai neiust menuseriaali "Padjaklubi" täht, kehastades üht peaosalist Laurat, tänu millele sai naisest paljude noorte tüdrukute iidol.  

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Fizz superstaarist tuntuks saanud Kerli Kõiv on oma ekstravagantset, kaunist välimust seondanud enda muusikaga ning vahepeal levisid kõmukad, et tema välimusest võttis nišši lausa poptäht Lady Gaga. 

In Elva, my hometown, w #eestinaine 📷 Kristjan Lepp ✨🌙

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Elustiili blogijanna ja fitnessitar Merilin Taimre ehk Paljas Porgand.

Superstaari saatest tuule tiibadesse saanud lauljatar Elina Born, ei jäta mitte kedagi oma suurte silmade ja kaunite ripsmetega külmaks. 

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Not ok

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Seltskonnatäht ja ärinaine Liis Lass, kes juba mõned aastad tagasi Aasiasse elama kolis, näeb imehea välja. 

Aastate eest oma südamliku hitiga „Kas tead?” avalikkuse ette tõusnud lauljatar Helen Adamson on lisaks ka äärmiselt kaunis naisterahvas. 

Life really is amazing and unpredictable. When I was 22 I thought I had it all figured out. I was working in IT field as a store manager on my way of becoming a retail manager. I was pushing workdays from 8am til 22 or 23pm and didn't even feel tired. I sat in the office thinking, analysing and creating new systems and I really was good at it. And then I got meningitis for the second time, first time was just 1.5 years before. ▫️ You know guys I didn't even learn from that second time. In the hospital I was crying from the pain at nigts and before that made all day reports on my computer. The thing I was feeling was that life was so unfair to me! 😡 ▫️ After the second meningitis I changed as a person. I couldn't concentrate on more than one thing at a time and I still can't. Before that I was amazing at multitasking. I also got lazier, I didn't have that drive anymore as I used to and you know - I still don't. I did change my diet and some habbits but not my mental state. So I got meningitis again about 2.5 years later. ▫️ It is only now I've come to understand why I got sick so many times. It changed my personality so that I would slowly walk back on the right path and start to understand what it is that fills my soul and is my purpouse. Nothing else made me realise. ▫️ Nowdays social media can be deceving and show people how they want to be seen. Mostly it's successful, pretty, rich and "I got it all figured out". I still sometimes look at other peoples profiles and think how lucky they seem for having it all figured out. And then I remind myself that it might as well be an illusion and some people probably look at me the same way. ▫️ And you know what, I don't have it all figured out. I am constantly obsessing about my future, about who I wanna be and what I really wanna do. And as if now I still don't know. Some days I question everything. ▫️ I am in the process of making peace in trusting the process, getting my answers while growing. I can't wait around for them to appear but I know if I progress and strive then someday when I am ready I will have my answers. Only to discover that by then I already have new questions 😁 #capetown

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Superstaari saatest tuule tiibadesse saanud ja Eestit Eurovisionil esindanud Birgit Sarrap on kahtlemata üks Eestimaa ilusamaid naisi. 

Armastatud lauljatar Getter Jaani on võlunud tuhandete väikeste tüdrukute südamed ning kindlasti hulganisti ka noormehi. 

24-aastane lauljatar Liis Lemsalu sai tuntuks "Eesti otsib superstaari" saatest ning puges eestlaste südamesse. Lisaks on Liis ka tohutult ilus!

📌 #kristiinarenserphotography #liislemsalu

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"Sinuga koos" muusikavideo üks behind the scenes kaadritest. 💌 Foto: @liinanotta #sinugakoos #liislemsalu

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