Lonnie Walker IVFoto: AP/Scanpix
15. juuni 2020, 08:58

NBA mängija paljastas, et lapsena vägistasid teda oma sugulased (1)

NBA korvpalliklubi San Antonio Spursi tagamängija Lonnie Walker IV kasvatas alates 5. klassist endale võimsat soengut. Hiljuti ajas mees kiharad maha ja selgitas nende šokeerivat taustalugu.

Möödunud nädalal paljastas Walker Instagrami postituses, et teda vägistati noorena sugulaste poolt. "Tõde on see, et hakkasin juukseid kasvatama 5. klassis. See oli minu varjamismehhanism. Toona olin suvel ümbritsetud suuremast pereringist. Mind ahistati seksuaalselt, vägistati ja kasutati ära. Harjusin sellega isegi ära, sest selles vanuses sa ei tea, mis on mis," kirjutas Walker.

21aastase korvpalluri sõnul oli juuksed midagi, mida ta sai kontrollida ja soeng andis talle enesekindlust. Aga sama ta tundis, et ta pole viimasel ajal oma parimal tasemel ja see sundis teda peeglisse vaatama.

"Lühidalt kokku võttes olen selle teekonna ja jumala tahte abil leidnud rahu ja sisemise õnne. Olen kõigile neile inimestele andeks andnud, kes seda ei vääriks. Miks? Sest see on lisapagas. Aeg ei oota kellegi järgi, seega miks ma peaksin oma aega sellele raiskama?"

Juuste maha lõikamine sümboliseerib Walkeri jaoks maski, mis peitis tema sisemist enesekindlust, näolt võtmist. Maski, mis peitis tema sisemist ebakindlust. "Aitab vanast. Ma heitsin endalt naha vaimselt, emotsionaalselt, füüsiliselt ja hingeliselt. Mängima peab kaartidega, mis sulle jagatakse ja üritama nendega võita. Kaotamine pole kunagi kaotus, vaid õppetund," lisas ta.

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The real truth as to why i started doing this early 5th grade, it was a cloaking device for me. During the summer of my 5th grade year I was around more family. Some that names will be left alone I was around more. I was sexually harassed, raped, abused, I even got accustomed to it because being at that age you don’t know what is what. I was a gullible curious kid that didn’t know what the real world was. I had a mindset that my hair was something that I can control. My hair was what I can make and create and be mine. And it gave my confidence. As of recently I wasn’t at my best. Previous History popping up in my head and it sucked mentally “demons”..... because of this virus, I began to truly look at myself in the mirror and see who I truly was even behind closed doors. Long story short I have found peace and internal happiness through this journey god willingly. I forgave everyone even the people that don’t deserve it why? Because it’s dead weight. Time doesn’t wait on anyone so why should I waste my time on it ? Me cutting my hair was more than a cut. My hair was a mask of me hiding the insecurity’s that I felt the world wasn’t ready for. But now better then ever. Out with old. In with the new. I have shed my skin mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Life will always be hard. Gotta play with the cards your dealt with and try and make a winning hand. And if you lose. It’s never a lost. It’s a lesson 🙏🏾. I’m gonna be off this for awhile still growing through this. Just know I love each and everyone one of y’all. Peace love and happiness 💕🙏🏾

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