Tiimipealikud kritiseerivad Türgi ralli korraldust: „Kõige hullem asi, mida kunagi näinud olen!“ (2)


Möhh23. september 2019, 15:01
Koristage see lapsik spämm siit ära.
helen23. september 2019, 13:44
Great! Thank you for sharing your prized thoughts. I read your new posts immediately often. I have a couple of blogs that I subscribed on my first reading days. But now I think I should unsubscribe. At the point when i observe that another post comes in, I merely let it stay there, stay there. What's more, stay there. ( https://clazwork.com/ ) At last I merely unsubscribe it. This is because I have a sense that I can't try any more with the same sort of posts. But thanks you’re in the other group. I feel like I must read it when your notice comes. You are awesome!