Foto: sujatroghosh/Instagram
28. juuni 2017, 15:09

FOTOD | Kas Indias on lehmad tähtsamad kui naised? (4)

Indias on palju kõneainet tekitanud 23aastase Sujatro Goshi fotoprojekt, milles kunstnik on naisi näidanud lehmamaskis. Noormees on esitanud küsimuse, kas õrnema soo esindajad on tema riigis sealsest pühast loomast vähemtähtsad.

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman's life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending "Whether to consume or worship it" but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. (Unable to disclose name for security reasons) says : "The mask instils a feeling of closure in the world of creepy gazes and lewd comments. This makes me feel empowered and safe. Empowered because I can raise my voice against these political miscreants and safe because it conceals my identity." #RisingBeyondJingoism #WHPstandout #bedroom #cow #women #protest #womenpower #politics #indiarising #phonecall #live #animals #love #laugh #art #conversation #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

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"Olen häiritud asjaolust, et minu maal peetakse lehma olulisemaks kui naist, keda võib vägistada ja rünnata," selgitas Delhist pärit Goshi oma projekti tagamaid BBC-le.

Tihti on India välisuudistes esindatud naistevastaste kuritegudega. Statistika kohaselt teatatakse seal vägistamisest iga 15 minuti järel. "Neid juhtumeid arutatakse kohtus aastaid, enne kui süüdlased karistuse saavad," sõnas Goshi. "Samas, kui tapetakse lehm, mõrvavad hindude äärmuslased süüteos kahtlustatava koheselt."  

Holy Animal meets the Holy River Calcutta'17 It's been a rollercoaster ride with this project of mine and it's been appreciated in almost all the platforms in the country. Thank you so much for everything the cow will keep travelling 🎭 If you're interested in it - @times_of_india @timesnow @wionews Read the whole story here : InUth Ebela The Quint @indiatimesinsta The Indian Express (Web) @buzzfeedindia @allindiabakchod Indian Express (Print),-2017#issue/25/1 and many more 🚣🏼‍♀️🎗🏆 I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #misplacedpriorities #cow #protest #women

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Antud projekt on noormehe sõnul tema viis protestida taoliste äärmuslike rühmituste vastu, mis said hoogu tänu 2014. aasta suvel võimule pääsenud peaminister Narendra Modi juhitud hindu rahvuslikule parteile.

India levinum usund hinduism peab lehmi pühadeks loomadeks ning keelab nende vigastamise ja tapmise.